Friday, February 3, 2017

Today's VidShizzle. "Hello."


  1. As always, Cal, you have left all of us speechless. We are so enraptured by the vidshizzle that we can't think of a single thing to comment. Don't take it as a diss; it's really our way of saying we love you.

    1. Absolutely don't take it as a diss. Rather, I almost felt myself back away physically from the computer screen and become somewhat petrified, because the video made me feel self-conscious. It's a reminder that the students are always watching, nay recording. And I'm asking myself, Have they been mocking me for years? Am I really so predictable? Well, yes, of course. But I'm not sure I like to think about this.

    2. Haha. I'm sure Fab was funning with me, that lousy no-good-son-of-a-bitch. How long has he been in Japan anyway? And what is he running from?

  2. Like Bubba, I'm not sure whether to find this alarming or inspiring. I'm leaning toward inspiring (why yes, this whole proffie-ing thing is more routine than glamorous, but we just keep on trucking).

    It also reminds me that I sometimes wish I taught somewhere where proffies still wear academic robes to teach (if there is such a place, *and* it's modernized enough to accept women), and/or that I'd joined an order of teaching nuns (except for almost everything else that would come with that choice, except perhaps interacting regularly with a group of smart, dedicated women). Keeping track of how recently I wore which outfit is a pain.

    1. The clothing yes. I have at least three sets of identical shirts. Whenever I wear two of them on back to back class days I assume my students think I don't have clean clothes!!!!

    2. I have several pairs of identical pants - because, hell, if I find a pair of pants that fit really great, then I buy several of them. And I DO wear them on alternate days, so I realize now that it looks like I am wearing the same pair of pants each and every day...

  3. For a long time, my walking into the classroom on the first day felt like jumping from the 10-meter board.

  4. Recording every day at the right time takes dedication and persistence. At least the kid attended class every day.

    1. Don't be too sanguine. I think the student cheated, as we should have expected. I started trying to match the shirt color with the precise location where the "Hullo" emerged from his voice box. One clip, which has him wearing a kind of burgundy bowling shirt affair with the greeting uttered well along the board, seemed to get repeated at least once. But I lacked the dedication and persistence to make sure.

    2. It loops, right? 3 times maybe.

  5. Each day, when I enter the classroom, I slam the door and I say the same greeting to the class. I do this purposely so that they know I am ready to start and the class has begun. If I don't say it, the students often ask, "Is everything all right?" They have come to expect it. I feel that it is a great way to get the class started and cuts down on wasting precious class time.

  6. Beaker Ben & EC1 have me in stitches. In fact, this video at first had me frozen in fear because I was picturing something similar somewhere out there in cyberspace, and then I remembered my students don't stick with anything.

    Cindy - me too - I say "Good morning" on the way in for the same reason - no door slam, though, just slap a folder on the desk/podium/radiator or whatever I can reach first.

    For no good reason other than ASD related social anxiety and a need for a formulaic closing, on the way out it's "have a good week" (for labs) or "have a good weekend" (on the last class for the week). The first lecture of the week leaves me with no script so I mutter some new awkward borderline apologetic distractor 3 seconds before class ends - like "ok so I can erase this right you all got this now? or do you need to copy it before you go..."
