Friday, October 13, 2023

The US library system, once the best in the world, faces death by a thousand cuts. [ The Guardian ]

The flava:
The US library system, once the model for the world, is under assault from politicians, rightwing activists and corporate publishers. Book bans are at record levels, and libraries across the country are facing catastrophic budget cuts, a fate only narrowly avoided by New York City’s public libraries this summer. In
a separate line of attack, library collections are being squeezed by draconian licensing deals, and even sued to stop lending digitized books.

This war on libraries – and on the traditional values of equal opportunity, universal education and cultural preservation they represent – directly contravenes the will of the majority in the United States. Polls reveal that public support for libraries is as strong as ever. But the profession of librarianship has become a hazardous one, because of the actions of a hostile minority. It’s time to reverse course.

The article:

Bard's response to the following prompt: "Write a creative blog post about the most important higher education issues of 2023."

Imagine a world where higher education is accessible and affordable for everyone, regardless of their background or socioeconomic status. A world where students are empowered to pursue their passions and make a difference in the world. A world where universities are at the forefront of innovation and discovery.

This is the future of higher education that I envision. But to get there, we need to address some of the most important issues facing higher education today.


The cost of higher education has been rising for decades, making it increasingly difficult for students to afford to go to college. This is especially true for students from low-income families and students of color.

We need to find ways to make higher education more affordable for everyone. This could include increasing government funding for higher education, making college more affordable for students from low-income families, and reducing the amount of student loan debt.


Higher education should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background or circumstances. But this is not the case today. Many students, especially students from low-income families and students of color, face barriers to accessing higher education.

We need to remove these barriers and make higher education more accessible to everyone. This could include expanding early college programs, providing more support for first-generation college students, and making college credit more affordable.


Higher education should be a place where all students can thrive, regardless of their race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, or any other factor. But this is not the case today. Many students, especially students from marginalized groups, face discrimination and inequities in higher education.

We need to create a more equitable higher education system. This could include implementing anti-racist and inclusive policies and practices, providing more support for students from marginalized groups, and addressing the root causes of inequity in higher education.


The world is changing rapidly, and higher education needs to adapt to keep up. We need to innovate and develop new ways to teach and learn.

This could include using new technologies, developing more flexible and affordable educational programs, and focusing on teaching students the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century workforce.


Higher education institutions are at the forefront of innovation and discovery. They play a vital role in advancing knowledge and solving the world's most pressing problems.

We need to continue to invest in higher education so that universities can continue to conduct cutting-edge research and develop new solutions to the world's challenges.


The future of higher education is bright, but we need to address the most important issues facing higher education today. By making higher education more affordable, accessible, equitable, innovative, and discovery-driven, we can create a better future for everyone.

Creative addition

Imagine a world where students can learn at their own pace, in their own way. Where they can choose from a variety of educational programs that are tailored to their individual needs and interests. Where they can learn from experts from all over the world.

This is the future of higher education that I dream of. A future where learning is accessible, affordable, and empowering.

We are already starting to see glimpses of this future. There are now a growing number of online and hybrid educational programs that offer students more flexibility and affordability. There are also a growing number of innovative teaching and learning methods that are more engaging and effective than traditional methods.

I believe that the future of higher education is bright. By working together, we can create a higher education system that is accessible, affordable, equitable, innovative, and discovery-driven. 
