Tuesday, March 28, 2017

The two cultures (a variation on the theme)

Free college on the inside.

Expensive college on the outside.

Almost makes a person want to get incarcerated.

NPR, at it again.


  1. I support education for prisoners, but if funding for prisoner education vs. college on the outside is a zero-sum game, I'd rather see the money go to qualified students who have studied hard, never been to jail, and are still stuck shelling out 10k per year for just in-state TUITION, let alone books and fees. Also, here's an idea: how about we invest in K-12 and vocational training so we create fewer prisoners in the first place? Or put drug offenders in treatment rather than in jail? It's great that education reduces recidivism, but what if we trained people in economically depressed areas for good jobs in the above-ground economy BEFORE they took up drug dealing or joined gangs? Also, you know what keeps kids in school? LUNCH.

    On a side note, today's NPR = mega-downer. Antibiotic-resistant superbugs, rollback of Paris climate change deal, cuts to school lunch and Meals on Wheels, civilians killed in Iraq. I depend on NPR for news, but some days I just want to flip to Bob FM and remain blissfully ignorant of what's going on in the world.

    1. Don't forget the cuts in medical research, quite the combination with the antibiotic-resistant superbugs.
