Monday, March 6, 2017

Monday Magic

If you could wave a magic wand and make today the ideal day at your school, what would be most
noticeably different from last week?


  1. I'd have a much lighter teaching load, and the class that is my worst pain-in-the-butt would be from that day forward taught by someone who enjoys it.

  2. My current colleagues would be body-swapped with ones from the future.

  3. It would be spring break.

  4. I would have a job. Because my colleagues wouldn't be lying in their official responses to my tenure application. Because they weren't trying to get me fired for mysterious reasons (including racial ones).

  5. Faculty wouldn't be surprised by and/or anxious about anything the administration was planning, because all such plans would have been shared, with full transparency, with faculty from the outset, and in fact most of the plans would have arisen from the faculty themselves.

    1. And in the meantime, I'm finding the accompanying image remarkably cheering. It just looks like the world is working as it should in that picture: the sun is shining (and enjoying its work -- yes, Frod, that matters), the grass and trees are green, the horse looks happy, too, and why not, since the barn looks comfortable, and there's plenty of hay on hand.

    2. I would trade places with the horse, even though you can clearly see me beaming in the sky!

  6. The admin would become half as smart as the students, and the president would become half as smart as the staff.

    (and while I'm at it, I'd like a pony).
