Thursday, March 9, 2017

Speedy Rant, from Wombat of the Copier

Hey - girl who texts in the back of the 15-row lecture hall.. I honestly don't care if you text through the whole class OR get passive-aggressive in recitation, but it's one or the other, not both!  You can't text then huff "How are we supposed to know this?" for 90 minutes when you can't do any of the shit I spent 90 minutes doing for you right before lunch.  You know who isn't pissing in their panties right now?  The girls who sit in front and answered questions during class.  I know - I know - they're smarter than you or whatever your excuse is.  You know who ELSE is nailing the recitation quiz?  The kids who sit in the middle, and can't answer questions so they.... wait for it... wait for it.... ASK QUESTIONS!!!

So shut the fuck up.  Do yourself a favor and forget to pay your phone bill.  



  1. Herrgott im Himmel, they seem to think you can wave a magic wand and then suddenly they'll know all of it, with no effort on their part whatsoever.

    Or, perhaps, they just expect you to go easy with that other most magical of wands: the grading pen.

  2. But...but...but...if there's an emergency, she'll know right away, and she'll save the rest of you. She's got to have her phone, for safety!!!!! Her mom says so!

  3. You will get an email requesting an appointment to "talk about my grade". They never say "talk about my learning". Have you noticed that too?

    1. Yes, because we're so willing to negotiate grades. I used to put a sign up on my office door during finals week reading "Car payments are negotiable. Grades, alas, are not". To their credit, they got the hint.

    2. I put a sign up in my office that says, "NO SNIVELING."

    3. Years ago I worked at a Roman Catholic seminary—graduate-level studies for the priesthood and other church-related professions. The academic dean found it necessary to post a sign in his office: red circle with a diagonal red line through the word "Whining."

    4. In "Breakfast of Champions," Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. drew various simple pictures. One of these was of an asshole, which was depicted by an asterisk. So, a sign with a red circle with a diagonal red line over an asterisk can be useful.

    5. That's really pretty good—although you might have to do some embarrassing explaining if someone doesn't quite get it on their own.
