Monday, March 27, 2017

Hopeful, Idealistic, Monday Magic

If you could wave a magic wand and make today the ideal day at your school, what would be most noticeably different from last week?


  1. I would make my students choose larger fonts.

    1. Fab comma I love you. I'm also drunk, but I still probably love you.

    2. And me, what am I? Chipped beef on toast? Without the beef? Without the toast?

  2. We're on spring break this week, so I can't think of any improvements.

  3. We're back from spring break, so I can certainly think of improvements! I could do with less pointless meetings. Please, just let me teach my classes. It's what I'm here for, it's what I'm good (ok, not awful) at, and I'd just like to get on with it.

    I care about my classes; I want my students to learn. I have worked hard to improve their learning. The latest round of box-checking, utterly useless meetings help no one. Make them stop...

  4. I would make all my students become MUCH smarter, enough to be capable of doing college-level work (or at least capable of doing 6th-grade-level work), AND they would also GIVE a fat flying FIG about learning ANYTHING. I know, that's multiple things, but I'm assuming this is a powerful magic wand---plus today I am GREATLY annoyed that MULTIPLE students I did my BEST to help in recent weeks have VANISHED without a trace from class. It makes the prospect of going back to being Chair and giving up most teaching duties positively INVITING.
