Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Eleven sketches inspired by the university mental health crisis [From The Guardian]

The number of students dropping out from degree courses due to mental illness has increased significantly in recent years.

Illustrator and student Ella Baron captures the experiences of 11 undergraduates.

Data shows record 1,180 students who experienced mental ill health left courses early in 2014-15, up 210% from 2009-10.

"'You’re going to feel like you’re drowning and if you’re not then you’re doing it wrong.' That’s what my tutor says to her undergraduates at the beginning of their degree."

"Sometimes I feel small, like only the very smallest piece of a Russian doll. The outer shells are always smiling, even if I’m not."

"We were brought up breathing the internet. Why go to the library when all the articles are online? Who wants to go clubbing when Tinder can find you the perfect one-night stand? Who even needs real friends?"


  1. I love this. This and the Brain Damage post create terrific synergy. It's ironic-ish that we're a 3rd generation response to RMP and we use words like "misery" a lot, but, and I may be projecting here, but... I think we're more human with our students than a lot of my IRL colleagues.
