Tuesday, April 16, 2019

students taking selfies [from Moriarty from Midland]

It is mortifying to see that it is even tinily common for students to be falling to their deaths because they are focused on using their cell phones to take selfies.




  1. Selfie sticks are banned in and around the BU campus...of course, this may end up just making things more dangerous.

    EC1 from only a handful of years ago would find it mortifying that present-day EC1 would willingly consider using the word selfie, but this is what smartphone-enabled students have done to him.

  2. This frightens me. My stepson had a lot of self esteem issues and came out of his shell via social media. Now he's got hundreds of followers on IG for his fashion blogging/photography. I'm afraid of how getting validation that way could push him to try something like this while his prefrontal cortex is still developing. It just terrifies me.

  3. As tragic as these stories are, I'm glad to see them out there. Maybe it'll save someone from himself/herself.
