Sunday, April 14, 2019

email exchange with a student [from Wombat of the Copier]

Dear Professor Wombat, 
     I won't be able to make it to class next Tuesday and I know we get 2 drops, but I just wanted to know what chapters we're going to do that day so I can make sure I study it while I'm home for Easter so I'm not behind when we get back.  
Raring to Rate You Ralph

Dear Ralph,
Hi. I'm sorry, I don't know whose class you're in, but I don't teach on Tuesday. I'm just course coordinator, so sometimes people think they have me because I post the assignments on Blackboard. You should be doing chapters 31 and 32, though. Have a good break.

Dear Professor Wombat, 
     Crap, are you serious?  I said awful things about you on RMP because I thought I had you.  Whoever I really have, she's stupid and mean and whatever a course coordinator is, if you can fire her, you should.


  1. Dear Ralph,

    You post disparaging comments on RMP about a professor whose name you don't even know? And you think she's the one who's stupid and mean?

  2. Thanks Penny & WotC for the laugh.
    (I suppose I really ought to thank Ralph, too...)

    RMP's validity remains much the same, I guess.
