Friday, April 26, 2019

Speedy rant, from Wombat of the Copier

Word to the not wise:

If she isn't smart enough to take her name off of her lab reports before uploading them to CourseHero, she isn't smart enough to copy.



  1. Oops. CourseZero might be a better name, in this case.

  2. I had to Google CourseHero—never heard of it before. God, the things people do to get out of learning the stuff they're paying seriously big bucks to learn! I'm glad I went to college in the pre-Internet days. (Not that there was never any cheating, of course, but you couldn't do it wholesale like this.)

    1. In many cases, it's the parents paying seriously big bucks. The kids are often interested in getting the degree, but doing as little work as possible to get it. If the parents knew what many of these kids are doing, they'd cringe. And pull the kids out of school.

  3. I wonder if the fake proffie on RMP (Bell?) is still receiving reviews from students?

    Anyway, I think I'll leaving the "For Educators" tab on CourseHero alone for the foreseeable future.

  4. I was thinking the same thing, EC1—what on earth could "Educators" possibly want with a site like this? If they want to post material about their own courses for their own students, wouldn't they use whatever variant of Blackboard their university happens to run?

  5. I saw at least one of these "educators" is counting blog posts as publications.

    What's next - comments on others' blog posts?
