Monday, January 15, 2018

Monday Magic in January

What great thing do you suppose you'll do this week?


  1. I am teaching something I never taught before. I asked two of the seniors who took it last year "What did you hate the most and why?" and got "I hated experiment X because it served no purpose" and "I hated experiment Y because it was impossible". The hater of X threw the hater of Y under the bus and said "It was possible for anyone who bothered to learn the program". So I'm working on framing experiment X in meaningful context. Wish me luck. I have a crystal ball so I already know how it's going to pan out.

    Wombat, Friday afternoon, to herself "This is perfect. They are going to love it. They will probably all apply to PhD programs now and they'll look for X specialists to mentor them."

    Wombat Friday night, "Why do they hate me? Why didn't I stay in industry? Selling my soul wasn't that bad... [logs into Glassdoor]"

  2. I will teach in ways that will benefit students, and not do the happy-clappy, customer-service pandering that Batshit U recently espouses AND I will take care of my health while doing so.

    1. The question is whether the students will be smart enough to know that what you're doing truly will benefit them. As opposed to, you know, making them feel good about themselves.

  3. I was given two days to write up the department's 20 year strategic plan. And I did it.
