Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Hungry New Year

Which one is the one for you?

A.  Science
B.  Religion
C.  Spirituality
D.  Humanism
E.  Art
F.  All of the above
G.  None of the above
H.  This is the wrong question to ask.


  1. Humanism on a good day, cynicism on a typical one.

    But the break has done me good, and I&m ready to start again in a few days.

    Hoping 2018 will be a great year for Zooze and all contributors!

  2. A and D and E and maybe H. I get enough B shoved in my face in this place that I don't need to be contributing to it. And yeah, cynicism too :) Happy New Year!

  3. “Never for money, always for love.” David Byrne

  4. A and E, hence H. I'd also pick D, but it's been in such a bad way since postmodernism.
