Saturday, January 21, 2017

Nine colleges that cost nothing

With college costs soaring and $1.3 trillion in student loans outstanding, a handful of colleges have carved out a unique spot in academia. For starters, the costs of attendance are $0.

Getting in is no small feat.

Each school is geared to determined young scholars eager to challenge themselves throughout their college career. In return for a degree at no cost – and with no debt burden - the commitment they require, even after graduation, is steep. . . .

  1. Berea College
  2. College of the Ozarks
  3. Deep Springs College
  4. U.S. Air Force Academy
  5. U.S. Coast Guard Academy
  6. U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
  7. U.S. Military Academy – West Point
  8. U.S. Naval Academy
  9. Webb Institute


  1. Yeah, but a high-school former friend went to West Point, and emerged as a Class A1A asshole. It brought out the already edgy side of his personality: it reminds me of another military-school graduate we all know.

    1. Of course, we all know that a single point of data is all you need to extrapolate to the entire universe.

    2. And besides, I trust you've heard the old saw:

      A pure mathematician, an experimental physicist, and an astronomer were taking a relativistic express train through the countryside, where they passed a purple cow. The pure mathematician said, "I, and perhaps you also, have just perceived seeing what appears to be a cow that is purple on the side facing us." The experimental physicist said, "We just saw a purple cow." The astronomer said, "All cows are purple."

      Come to think of it, my high-school physics teacher was also a West Point graduate, and couldn't even pronounce James Joule's name correctly. (He'd say, "jowl.")

    3. I understood this as a single point because the referenced article listed West Point (AKA School on the Hudson for Little Boys), and unless I'm mistaken about your mystery man, that would be New York Military Academy. NYMA is a high school and should be considered as a different set of data. But myself, as an engineering graduate from the "Alcatraz on the Ashley", the first college in America to fire on the federal government, the cow is purple on one side, until further evidence is obtained to extend the observations.

    4. Hmm...

      apparently I have the instincts of a pure mathematician.

  2. What about Macauly Honors College? Free to NY residents.

  3. What about City College and Cooper Union? Are they still free?

    I taught at one of the places on the list - the kids were on the opposite side of the political spectrum from me, but I enjoyed it very much - it was a good experience - and they were very career focused*, so they were easy to teach.

    *on a career they had a chance hell of succeeding at, as opposed to premed-zombies that plague other campuses.
