Friday, December 20, 2019

since you can't say "leave me the fuck alone" [from Wombat of the Copier]

Dear Friends in the Pasture,

When the extra credit assignment was due 10 days ago and your students are literally reading their transcripts while e-mailing you, so even if you *were* willing to accept it late (I'm not), it would require 3 signatures and paper work delivered in person to an office that doesn't open for 17 days, and your phone lit up like Vegas at your kid's holiday party, it's time to set the auto-reply.

I've never used it before.

What do yours say?

--Wombat of the Copier


  1. Mine is aimed at colleagues rather than students, but for what it's worth, here it is:
    Thanks for your mail. I'll be taking a short break. I will get back to you soon.

    I like it because it seems to work, and I don't need to change anything each time - just turn it on and walk away from the computer.

  2. Mine is similar, although it's designed more for actual vacations than for don't-bother-me situations:

    I will be traveling between [dates], with regular but not constant email access. I'll reply as soon as I can.

    I like EC1's, though, because it's even more noncommittal than mine.
