Monday, December 16, 2019

MIT prof finds that adding an hour of sleep can bump students up a letter grade []

The flava:
Students who consistently added one extra hour of sleep a night jumped a full letter grade, from a B to an A, said Dr. Kana Okano, first author on the paper and Grossman’s research assistant.

Getting more sleep might seem counter-intuitive to some university students, Okano said.

“The first thing that goes away for most of these students when they get to college is sleep. They feel they have to sacrifice sleep to study. However, sleep is so important for memory consolidation and you’re not going to get that without consistent sleep,” she said.

The article:


  1. I often tell my students not to do an all-nighter before an exam. Some listen but many don't. Then, they blank on some of the material and do poorly. They come by and ask for advice on how to do better. I'm tempted to ask why they want my advice when they're just going to ignore it anyway.

  2. I'm not a late-night person, and I've always known this about myself. But I learned the hard way not to tell anyone that I was getting plenty of sleep during exam weeks in college. Not because I was so brilliant, or because I already knew my stuff cold, but because I simply can't function after about 10 pm, and staying up studying all night wasn't going to get me anywhere.
