Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Battling Bullying in Academe, By Maria Shine Stewart

Here are some things I wish I had known to tell myself a little earlier in my career:

  • I am not imagining this, even though it flies in the face of every expectation.
  • While I can perhaps do little about this situation, I can mobilize on my own behalf.
  • I will not succumb to drugs, alcohol or compulsive behaviors. Their relief may be short-lived, and the long-term results may include layering a problem upon a problem.
  • I will not harbor fantasies that anyone will come to my rescue. People flee when they see trouble in academe.
  • The perpetrators will probably not change. This shtick has worked for them a long time.


  1. I have recently been having lots of fun using sarcasm on an emeritus old bully who thought that assistant professors need some sort of fraternity initiation, back when I was on the tenure track. So, the shoe is finally on the other foot. Schadenfreude isn’t nice, but it feels so outta-sight!

    I am also determined never to be that way. If I can’t help the junior faculty, at least I can still get out of the way.

    1. Also, Frod, wondering whether or not you're getting a good look at the Perseid Meteor Shower?

  2. Reminds me of the old saying attributed to Kissinger, Roosevelt, and a million other people: "Academic politics are so vicious because the stakes are so small."

  3. I'm flattered that my writing found its way here. Thank you!
