Monday, June 4, 2018

Summer Session/Summer School [from Wombat of the Copier]

I did a good 10 years of summer session in the state system here. It's exhausting and when implemented in 5 week rather than 8 week sessions, at least for general chemistry, it's a stupid waste of time. But I always had fun and the kids usually felt exhilarated when it was over. It's usually 85-90% type As who can't chillax for 14 weeks, and a handful of flunkies who needed a do-over.

I never realized how important the type As are for controlling flunkie-to-flunkie interactions.

I have 29 right now.  23 of them are flunkies.

Here's footage from the first day:

Idk wtf to do. If you don't hear from me again by 4th of July, ask Ben and Frod to watch Summer School, Animal House and all of the Nancy episodes of Little House on the Prairie and try to come up with an algorithm to determine their most probable prank scheme, and use Ben's knowledge of materials available in a freshman chem lab to try to develop the antidote. Send it to: WotC c/o College that Finds Adjuncts on Craigslist, 3rd floor



  1. I once taught summer school. Never again!

    I say this for precisely the same reason as WotC: the <10% of the class who are there to get ahead do not make up for the >90% who flunked the class during the school year. The best thing I can say about the latter group was that I've never seen anyone so happy to get 'D's.

  2. That's the thing, Frod, I did it for 10 years and it was always the opposite. This group is a fluke.

    But due to test anxiety they were angels yesterday. I'm sure it was just test anxiety, but I was so relieved, it reminded me of this:

    I know you all, and will awhile uphold
    The unyoked humour of your idleness:
    Yet herein will I imitate the sun,
    Who doth permit the base contagious clouds
    To smother up his beauty from the world,
    That, when he please again to be himself,
    Being wanted, he may be more wonder'd at.

  3. I teach at least one shortened summer session class every year. (I need the money.) I tell students on the first day that while I'll attempt to make the class as pleasant as possible, I don't have time for the overt niceties of 15 weeks. I also tell them that I've already got my degree and that I get paid for the course whether they pass or fail. Then I tell them that they'll leave the classroom if they act like your flunkies.

    Sometimes that works. Sometimes, it does not. Do you have the support of your department/school on your side? Can you kick out the troublemakers -- all of them -- and have them report to someone for discipline (or at least lecturing)?

    My heart goes out to you. It's an awful experience.

  4. I had not seen that clip before and partly enjoyed it. I say partly because I now see (don't have to teach) 18 year old versions of that character in my building now on a regular basis.

    Batshit U would pay me more to actually work with these guys during the summer, but I think they can keep their money and I will try to keep what remains of my hair, sanity, and what passes for dignity.
