Sunday, June 10, 2018

Perhaps this is a Sunday Thirsty? [from Southern Bubba, Ph.D.]

Perhaps this is a Sunday Thirsty?

I'm drunk.  So exhilaratingly drunk.

I'm wondering whether other proffies are as disillusioned as I am.

The schools all look the same, Zooze.  Are one school's graduates better off than another's?  Are not all administrators similarly disingenuous or self-deceived?

My students lately have been so kind to me.  Is it because I've been kind to them?

My mother, my dear mother, this morning at 3:00 a.m. said to me as I was changing her diaper, "I don't have to wear this shirt tomorrow, do I?"  It seemed like a spontaneous emission.  She is so sweet--and mired in the Alzheimer's.  I don't know whether she was talking about the actual shirt or about something else.  I told her she didn't have to do anything she didn't want to do.  I kissed her on her forehead.

I guess I say something similar to my students.  They don't have to do anything they don't want to do.  But if they don't pass muster, then they won't pass my class.  Period.  Full stop.

I keep reading your stuff.  It sustains me.

There is so much I do not know.  I am confused, but I persevere.

Thank you.

--Southern Bubba, Ph.D.


  1. I am disillusioned, but only with the powers that be, and not with the (idea of the) work or the students.

    Universities do seem to look more and more alike. Edubabble and crappy leadership are potential culprits for for that, at least round my way.

    I think it's 50/50 about being better off for having been at a particular institution...if they don't pass muster, they can't graduate, as you mentioned. In-house research at our joint will tell you that it's all about distal orientation...i.e. acting in your future self's best interest.

    Even our best admin people seem to warp by the time they reach their late 40s / early 50s.

  2. "My mother, my dear mother, this morning at 3:00 a.m. said to me as I was changing her diaper."

    This made me cry.
    Bless you and your mother both.

    1. Yeah, me also. Oh, Bubba... Greta... MisAd...everybody, I wish I could help.

  3. I am sorry this is happening to your mom, Bubba. It happend to my Dad: it wasn't fun. Hang in there!
