Wednesday, April 18, 2018


"What I love about being an American professor is my right to free speech, and what I love about Fresno State is that I always feel protected and at home here. . . ."


  1. Nevertheless, Randa, this isn't the way to do it. I agree that George W. Bush should be tried as a war criminal and that it's hard to deny that his mother made at least one racist comment, but what you've done this week won't win people over to your views. Now you've made it difficult for all of us at Fresno State: please think more clearly in the future.

    (This is worse than the "sheep incident." At least with that, I could joke about it.)

    1. It may sound Pollyanna-ish, but I can see something positive to this. In my less cheery moments, I have been tempted to post something nasty (or rather, honest) to memorial websites for people who have died who did, in life, really do me harm. Now that Randa has demonstrated how appallingly UGLY this is, no matter how well justified it may seem, I am cured of any ambition to do this, for life.

  2. The UK media is reporting that she is in some hot water for this.

    Agree with Frod that this was not the way to make a point. Personally, social media mentions of tenure and salary in the same sentence are never going to make one look good.

  3. And she's lying when she says she makes $100k/year. Fresno State is a state university, so her salary is a matter of public record. I just looked it up: she makes $80,100.

    1. Exaggerating about her salary makes it even less attractive.
