Monday, November 27, 2017

early thirsty

Have you ever given an exam or assignment you wouldn’t have gotten a 100 on?


  1. Possibly not, but some of the work in our program requires a certain amount of creativity, and I have had students who produce way better stuff than I typically can.

    There are a few of these guys that I would not want to compete against in a tight job market...

  2. Certainly, I was not a well-prepared student. Despite the imitations, I was able to stay in the game. And I can echo EC1's comments about seeing how well many students are prepared. Its quite humbling at times.

  3. Almost every assignment. I don't believe that perfect scores should be given out unless work is completely flawless. I DO give perfect scores on mathematical assignments, but they won't notice small mistakes unless it costs them points.

    Written work, I think, should never get 100%. There is ALWAYS room for improvement.

  4. Teachers who never make mistakes don't belong in the classroom. They belong in Heaven.

    It therefore doesn't bother me that I rarely get 100% on my own exams. I do get ‘A’s on them, though.

  5. Sometimes when I'm making a key I have to look something up. Occasionally I make a transposition error.
