Monday, October 30, 2017

What's your costume for Halloween?


  1. I think I'll go as an adminicritter who "Just wants a quick word with you".

    1. I went at the college president. In other words, I had someone explain my absence because I was fundraising or at important meetings at the state house.

    2. Nice one. Our guy naturally looks like he's in Halloween getup, so we're pretty inured to a high level of fear. Most of us prefer him to be away from the campus, to be honest.

  2. I'm going as the scariest thing I could think of: a slutty mad scientist. A white lab coat with copious bloodstains is mandatory.

  3. How to choose...?

  4. Grumpy grader. Nine students showed up in one class today -- they think Halloween is a holiday... and, of course, none had read the book -- not that it matters for half of the attendees, because they never turn in anything anyway...I get paid Wed. Can't wait.

    1. I hope this isn't the first time you've been paid this semester, but I know that's entirely possible (much scarier thought than any costume anyone can dream up).

  5. I spent the afternoon/early evening (until the light had really and thoroughly faded, and I found myself in the dark) in my community garden plot, in a very muddy dress, socks and shoes and (eventually, as it got colder) a shirt over that. Cleanup season has arrived, and inspections loom (and I'm a somewhat messy -- let's call it "romantic" -- gardener). Not quite a costume (among other things, I wear these clothes regularly), but I enjoyed myself.

  6. I've always wanted to be Ben, except for that hairline.
