Thursday, October 5, 2017

Big Thirsty at the end of the day

One student gave me a big bag of Hershey's Kisses this week.

Four other students earned excellent grades on a hard test.

Q. What's the best thing one (or more) of your students did this week?



  1. (1) Withdrew before the deadline. He won't get an "F" and I won't have to read his shitty writing any more (not that he was threatening to go over any word or page limits).

    (2) Provided advance notice --with documentation-- of a legitimate reason to miss class (National Guard 7-day trip tp a shitty place without broadband) and then turned her work in BEFORE the negotiated deadline.

  2. NOTHING, since I'm on Sabbatical!

    MUUA-HAA-HAAAAAA! (Evil mad scientist laugh.)

    If it's any consolation, when my Sabbatical ends at the beginning of Fall 2018, I will become department Chair, again. Joy and delight.

  3. 1. My current most non-traditional student landed a very decent job, to start straight after graduation.

    2. Another student came second in a pretty important professional competition.

  4. On learning that hir second attempt at choosing a list of sources for the big project still wasn't quite what I was looking for, a student took a few hours and, building on my suggestions, posted a third list that was spot on. (Yes, that's how it's supposed to work, but complaints or disappearances for significant periods of time are more common reactions from those who haven't quite gotten the gist of the assignment after two tries).
