Tuesday, February 21, 2017



  1. Happy Presidents Day, but of course that also includes James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Lyndon Johnson, and Richard Nixon.

  2. Well, of course we can expect tremendous, really terrific ideas for education to come from Betsy DeVos, whose qualification for her new office seems to be that she once went to school. She's like, a $mart Person --- all the best ideas, believe me.

    And now this asshole is at it again: Iowa Bill Would Force 'Partisan Balance' in Hiring. By "asshole" I mean Mark Chelgren, who went to college for a few years and ultimately earned a "degree" from the restaurant management company he worked for, one of whose other brilliant ideas was mentioned at CM.

    I just can't even anymore. Here's my to-do list apropos this blog (in no particular order):

    * Respond to George LeRoy Tirebiter XII's post of the other day.
    * Write about that asshole Mark Chelgren. (done?)
    * Wonder how Bella's family is doing.
    * Finish a post about something that happened to me.
    * Get some real sleep.

  3. Totally appropriate to see DJT in conjunction with Zooze.
    After all, horses are measured in hands, and Trump's hands are infamously tiny and grabby.

    1. My horses are yuge, twenty more hands than anyone else's horses, I measured them myself, I have the best hands.

  4. @Zooze: Your delightful sense of humor is occasionally odd. Either that or the Russians offered you one hell of a bribe.

    1. I, too, was wondering about a possible Russian role, but the lipstick on the cuff (and maybe the moneybag?) doesn't seem exactly supportive.

      I do like the way little horses and ducks wander through the images on this blog, though. I always like them, but in this case I prefer to focus on those parts of the picture, and ignore the rest.

  5. I've been amusing myself during work breaks by reading back through the College Misery archives, and I just found this prescient gem:

    "Another hopeful sign is that recent events appear to show that is it -is- possible for an American politician to be too dumb to be President. The U.S. President has to be smarter than Rick Perry or Sarah Palin, but need not be smarter than Ron Reagan."

    From Froderick Frankenstien, on December 24, 2011, commenting on the December 22 post, "Gen Y's Positive Traits?"

    Frod—as it so often happens—for the win.

    1. I take back every word of that, particularly since Rick is now Secretary of Energy, managing the nation's nuclear arsenal (a pleasant thought, no?), and Sarah appears to be about to become U.S. Ambassador to Canada.

    2. Lord have mercy, I somehow missed both of those developments. Talk about the bottom dropping out.

    3. At least Dan Quayle's fair dome hasn't popped up, but with standards that low, one might wonder why the Three Stooges aren't in this government. (One reason may be they've all been dead for many years.)

    4. Haven't we seen plenty of their substitutes in Trump's entourage?
