Monday, April 30, 2018

Monday Magic in April

Can you say something positive about your school, or about higher education somewhere in the world?


  1. I guess I'd say that I'm impressed some people are still trying to hold on to their ideals. That all have not given up against the tide is something that soothes me a little.

  2. Um...that it's been over three years since the university last made the national news because a student was caught fucking a sheep?

  3. My administration supports my weird pedagogical experiments. Even most of the students seem to support my weird pedagogical experiments (though the dissenters can be VERY vehement). We have a nice new library. We just hired a very deserving inside candidate to a tenure-track position. The students who major in my department are generally quirky and passionate and a lot of fun. Life is mostly pretty good.

  4. Every semester--and this is my 48th at Ambitious State--I have students who continue to make this job worthwhile. This semester, they numbered eleven of the sixty four who enrolled, and yes, years ago, that total was higher. Yet after twenty-four years in every class, every semester, someone seems to want what I can offer.
