Wednesday, February 8, 2017

to laugh or to cry?


  1. Fab, you nut. The textbook committee gets all the free swag! I got a coffee cup once. And a pen. And a fabric tote. And a coffee cup. And I get visits, too. Nice long visits from book reps who mispronounce my name and try to get me to adopt books that are woefully wrong. And I got a coffee cup once. And a pen. And a fabric tote.

    Hey, here's a usic video from the late great Bobby Hate.

    1. How drunk are you? On a scale from 1 to Nice Cage?

    2. Tell the textbook reps you're going all in for Open Educational Resources. That'll flummox them, and the OER folks even have some swag (seen at a recent gathering: a door hanger that says "come on in; we're open." Hey, at least it's no worse than for-profit publisher swag).

    3. And youtube is offering me a video on how to tell if I have a fatty liver alongside the Bob Hate song.

    4. That's for Cal. Whoops.

    5. Mean. Fab, you are just mean. I'm wearing pants I haven't worn in years!

  2. I try to get my chair to be the intermediary with the book reps. If they track me down, I suddenly have an unscheduled class about to begin. Otherwise, I like textbook selection.

    1. One time I told a rep I had quit my job just that morning and wouldn't be teaching there anymore.

      It was a grand scheme until she came around the next semester and my fat ass was still there.
