Wednesday, April 26, 2017

end of semester e-mails are always the best, from Wombat of the Copier

Dear Professor whose once weekly class I’ve already missed 5 times,

     I would like an excuse for today because I have a cold.  I will e-mail you to make an appointment
to go over what I missed when I’m feeling better.

-Student who has attended 7 out of 13 classes


Dear Student who has attended 7 out of 13 classes,

     I don’t think I understand what you mean by “I would like an excuse for today”. You get 2 drops, and after that grades of 0 will be counted.  My office hours are XYZ.  Feel better.



  1. At a part-time gig, I once had a student make up an anonymous account to ask for something similar.

    I was a bit puzzled as to what would happen if I did agree to the request. Not actually puzzled enough to agree, though.

  2. Oh yes. I had so many sick students. The clever ones saved their dropped participation grade for when they needed it. The others did not.

  3. 'Tis the season for cutting and pasting from the syllabus into emails (and being very glad the syllabus is as long and comprehensive as it is).
