Thursday, November 24, 2022

Engineering Professor Advice: You Get Out of Your Education What You Put Into It [ Carlotta A. Berry, PhD ]



  1. Make the homework optional. If the student does the homework then they get feedback, otherwise not. The ones who don't do the homework will then fail the exam.

  2. Have you noticed that this shit has greatly increased since relatively normal, in-person classes resumed after the COVID-19 pandemic was supposed to have ended, sometime in 2022? I always had to deal with it in my general-ed, astronomy-for-people-terrified-of-math students, but what hurts is how it much more common it's become for my third-semester, calculus-based physics for engineers class. They seem to think that sitting like a bump on a log, totally inert, not taking notes or apparently breathing much are all that should be required to get an 'A' in any class.

    I drag out the old "health club" analogy. What they (or more likely, their parents) pay the university and not me directly buys is for me to provide what's necessary, but if you pay to belong to a health club, you still will need to work out, no matter how good your coach is. So, while without me you have nothing, it still isn't sufficient to be competitive with the other students who are mature enough to read the friendly chapters and do the friendly homework.
