Wednesday, November 18, 2020

brain drain [submitted by Southern Bubba, Ph. D.]

This historic drop in the number of international students coming to the United States will be devastating if it continues--not most especially because of the billions of dollars in lost tuition/room/board revenue,
but because of the brain drain.  The culture drain.  The creativity drain. The entrepreneurship drain. Fuck, this is a nightmare.  Whether it's because of Trump or because of the pandemic or because of something else, it hurts.  Bad.  This is embarrassing and painful for grad schools and for community colleges and all of higher education.  Fuck this.  Is there a way this will not harm the United States?  Even the hairstylist who operates under the radar from her doublewide on the outskirts of some small town in Alabama will be harmed by this (although she might not yet know it).

--Southern Bubba, Ph.D.


  1. I see your historic drop, and I raise you one Brexit.

    Both countries' higher ed is now stuffed, from my perspective.

  2. Oh, EC1, I laughed out loud at this, even though of course neither situation is the least bit funny.

    Mr. Penny teaches at an American-style university here in the Middle East, which is suffering the same problem in reverse: between the pandemic and the general political situation, the American students who for decades have come here in droves to study Arabic and political science either cannot or will not come. It's a huge academic and financial loss to the university, as well as a loss to the students—both the foreigners and the locals.

  3. Here’s a cheery thought, Bubba: Now with the international students gone, the entitled fuckwad density is going to go way up. Wonderful, no?
