Thursday, December 20, 2018

two years

Today is the second anniversary.


  1. Congratulations, and thanks.

    And season's best wishes to all.

  2. Happy Anniversary and Happy Holidays to all.

  3. I still love this place in its less fraught incarnation. Don't ever stop.

  4. Me too - Happy Anniversary - and thank you for hosting us, as well as sharing your personal stories. When I'm good and irked, like yesterday when I was asked if "you can just manipulate my grade or something?", I remembered that this is not all there is. One day she will carry a mother to bed, and long after that, she herself will be taken to the shower, and no one will care whether she got an 84 or an 85 in gen chem. I was honest, but friendly in my decline. This place makes me better at what I do for my job.
