Wednesday, November 28, 2018

mild-mannered moe from the midwest submits an apparently true article.

This is not from The Onion.

Hockey Pucks to Fight Shooters on Campus
// Inside Higher Ed

Oakland University, in Michigan, is distributing hockey pucks to faculty members and some students for use against active shooters on campus, The Detroit News reported. The idea is that a puck is legal to carry, could cause real damage and be a distraction.

--mild-mannered moe from the midwest


  1. Although this contributor has been reading here for years, I'm afraid I don't have a pseudonym for him/her. If you sent this post in this morning, please email me and remind me what your pseudonym is. Perhaps my memory is failing me. Thanks. Otherwise, I'll create a name tomorrow.

  2. If that's true, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard that didn't come from a politician's mouth. At least somewhere, Don Rickles is laughing.

  3. Our campus police don't want us to carry firearms, since if there's a shooter, they may get confused and fire at us. I just know that if we carry hockey pucks, we're going to get fired at, just the same.

  4. Nice "moe" avatar.

    Also, I am tempted to buy a case of hockey pucks so that I can throw them at my colleagues when they won't shut up.
