Monday, May 25, 2020

The Future of College Is Online, and It’s Cheaper [says Hans Taparia]

"The pandemic provides universities an opportunity to reimagine education around the pillars of access and affordability with the myriad tools and techniques now at their disposal. It could make them true pathways of upward mobility again."
     --Hans Taparia, clinical associate professor, NYU

The opinion piece is here:

The value of this op-ed by Professor Taparia might be less in the piece itself than in the wide variety of attendant comments which range from bafflingly ignorant to well-informed and enlightening.  Regardless of where on the spectrum comments might fall, they nevertheless oftentimes reveal valuable insights into the thoughts of people who are somehow invested in the current endeavor to teach/learn online.

For those readers who do not subscribe to the New York Times, effective ways to get around the paywall--and thus read the comments--have been described on many websites (e.g.,

1 comment:

  1. Overall, it's a balanced piece, at least not written by somebody who outright dismisses the usefulness of face-to-face interactions.

    But this is not simple: They simply need to create “parallel” online degrees for all their core degree programs.

    The final link was a gem. Thanks for that!!
