Saturday, November 30, 2019

Palo Alto College offers winemaking degree for a booming Texas industry []

The flava:
With nearly 600 wineries and more than 100,000 jobs, a surging Texas wine industry requires skilled labor to keep up with it — a need Palo Alto College aims to fill.

Starting in the spring, the college will offer an associate degree in viticulture and enology — that’s grape-growing and winemaking — a regional first designed to supply vineyard and winery workers who know what they’re doing.

The article:


  1. We have an enology program here in Fresno. It's not bad stuff. Still, it's often not a good sign when students list "enology" as their major when they're not even in the Ag. school.

  2. I had no idea Texas made wine! Are we talking vineyards, too?
