Monday, February 4, 2019

Monday Magic in February

When was the last time a student's actions made you feel delight?


  1. One of my students has become pretty fluent in 4 languages whilst at BU; 1 through the language center folks, and 3 by himself. He recently introduced his fiancee to me, a lady he met during a study abroad a couple of years back. He's got a great job lined up in another country after he graduates.

  2. Isn't it wonderful to meet young folks who truly have their stuff together? That puts a bounce in my step the rest of the day.

  3. This will sound pathetic, but at the beginning of this semester, I crossed paths with a number of my students from last term. And each of them went of his/her way to greet me happily.

  4. One of my students got her Ph.D. in the physics of the solar corona and is now on the science team for Parker Solar Probe, which has now passed closer to the Sun than any other spacecraft. Another got his Ph.D. in ionospheric physics and is now on the science team for NASA's Mars MAVEN spacecraft, and helped figure out why Mars lost its atmosphere.

    Many others are apparently prosperously employed as engineers right here, working on the problem of water in the Central Valley. It's a big problem, and so will require a lot of engineers, but lessons can be learned that can benefit much of the rest of the world. Many others are working in renewable energy, which is clearly booming with all the solar panels you see on houses these days.

    You do get some victories. It almost makes it worthwhile to get the occasional sheep fucker.
