Saturday, January 5, 2019

Krabby Kathy submits a proclamation.

I just looked at the Transparent Cal website to get my ass in gear to get out of adjunct teaching.  That website shows the salaries of California state employees.  I felt angry and resentful in November about my low income, and then school ended and my relief calmed the resentment...until I applied for unemployment.  I had my unemployment interview on 12/28 (applied 12/07), and EDD "had to call the school" to see if I was lying.  So I'm still waiting.  The unemployment money has to pay for February bills.  I bet my department chair at $111K a year has none of these worries.  I am over 50, female, and white, and I am now training to be a truck driver to get out of adjunct hell.  I figure if I have to drive all over, I want to get paid for it.
--Krabby Kathy


  1. It is shameful that students won't get the benefit of you. I know you'd rather be in a classroom but I hope your driving situation allows for solace in music and audio_media that replace some of the tedious parts of teaching. Lucinda Williams is great for driving long distances.... Please check in when you can. Best thoughts for you.
