Monday, November 26, 2018

Monday Magic in November

What's your favorite thing about college?  


  1. On a good day: the students.

    On an average day: full tenure.

    On a bad day: a lockable office door and the fact that my colleagues don't know I switched the phone I was supplied with for one that can have the ringtone turned off.

  2. My favorite thing when I was in college myself, many long years ago: Our professors had high expectations for us and didn't mess around. It made us work up to those expectations. Most of the time, anyway.

    My favorite thing now, when my husband is a professor: his long breaks at Christmas and in the summer. He still always has a boatload of work to do, but since I work at home, it means we can both be working in the same place. I like that. A lot.

  3. As faculty: getting to be an astronomer, which is even cooler than being a cowboy. Sorry, Bubba!

    As a student: all the intelligent, free-spirited women. In high school, I didn't even know they existed.

  4. At a good college, it's the variety. Being surprised by people whose perspectives and knowledge are so different from mine. Being challenged. I love constantly learning. That's fucking glorious.

  5. My experience was the flip side of Frod's: all the guys who weren't afraid of intelligent, free-spirited women. In high school, they were very few and far between.
