Monday, September 24, 2018

Mis-sold, expensive and overhyped: why our universities are a con [The Guardian]

The flava:
They are making one of the biggest purchases of their lives, shelling out more on tuition fees and living expenses than one might on a sleek new Mercedes, or a deposit on a London flat. Many will emerge with a costly degree that fulfills few of the promises made in those glossy prospectuses. If mis-selling is the flogging of a pricey product with not a jot of concern about its suitability for the buyer, then that is how the establishment in politics and in higher education now treat university degrees. The result is that tens of thousands of young graduates begin their careers having already been swindled as soundly as the millions whose credit card companies foisted useless payment protection insurance on them.

The article:


  1. As a Brit, can confirm this is true.

    Will find a link later, but a UK student who buys into "student as customer" nonsense is doing him or herself great long-term damage. Even in STEM fields.

  2. One time I was the

    "little hairy toed Hobbit"

  3. Symptom of the broken social contract that youth no longer believe in post-secondary institutions? (Of course fueled by political forces, ideology, economics, ignorance too).

    Ever wonder what happens when these youth grow older and start to vote? Governments that systematically cut education funding.

    Start to protest? Arab Spring.

    Ignore the post-secondary opportunity? Wide spread ignorance and populism.

    Of course, I could be wrong as I have a vested interest in the system (goodness...I've become 'The Man'!!)

  4. Not if they major in physics, they don't! Every one of our physics B.S. graduates go on to jobs that are comfortably in the middle-class or better, which make full use of what we taught them in class. We even gives them extensive practice in how to think critically in the manner of an effective scientist, so pfffffffttht!
