Wednesday, August 2, 2017


The person I want to say "Thanks" to on campus today is . . . 


  1. The campus cops who are fair with me. The horticulturist who keeps the plants and trees around here looking nice--because that makes us all feel better. The student who visited my office just to talk with me about hamster fur, even though he's never taken any of my classes and very likely never will because he's not a hamsterfurology major. The dean [not from my area] who took me out to lunch apparently just for the hell of it.

  2. The departmental manager and the admin assistant. This place would come to a gear-grinding halt if either one stepped away from the controls.

    1. Ditto. We would last a day without our current pair.

      Also, the colleague who translates our program's ideas from English into Adminispeak.

  3. The person who left that parking spot right in front, just in time today.
